What happened to that girl…?

I knew a girl once, full of life; full of virility. Her face brimming with hope, her eyes flashing out rays of excitement. She was the perfect personification of pure joy and everything’s that good in this world. She had dreams, not the kind where you want to ride away on a white horse with your Prince Charming, but the ones where you are your own knight and your own saviour. A dream where nothing is impossible …atleast for her. 

The most enticing thing about this girl I knew was that she never doubted her dream. She always believed in it. No matter how hard the reality, she always fought back. If you’ve seen ‘Fight Club’, she may as well have been the manager of it. She was that kinda girl. 

Her belief in that dream kept her going, she fed on it when famished, she drank on it when parched, she cured from it when broken.

Until….she became that dream ….until she got lost in that dream!!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. anumita123 says:

    Amazing! Very eloquently written 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Darling ….thanx dear!!!


  2. ganesh says:

    “She had dreams, not the kind where you want to ride away on a white horse with your Prince Charming, but the ones where you are your own knight and your own saviour”———— Excellent….. Entire writing is a soul talk…

    Liked by 1 person

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