The subway ride

Subway is an interesting place to study subjects. The subject in question being the people. You find all sorts of them here. The hip ones, the chick ones, the funny ones and the invisible ones. 

The type that intrigue me the most are the invisible ones. These are the ones with a very common exterior. They don’t attract any attention, they just blend into the multitude. But they observe, everything , everyone. What they register and how they process the observation can be a mind blowing revelation. After all how we think and perceive has been a subject of intense research from ancient times. 

The passengers boarding – deboarding; busy on their phones, talking to friends gives u a tiny miny glimpse into their lives. You try to figure out about their unknown lives. Its comforting sometimes to hear someone bicker about the problems you have been complaining of yourself lately. You get the feeling of comraidere for that stranger. But then you get over it and move on. Coz thatz what life is all about….to keep moving on!!

What have the readers got to comment on their subway rides….looking forward to cracking opinions !!

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