The subway ride

Subway is an interesting place to study subjects. The subject in question being the people. You find all sorts of them here. The hip ones, the chick ones, the funny ones and the invisible ones.  The type that intrigue me the most are the invisible ones. These are the ones with a very common exterior….

What happened to that girl…?

I knew a girl once, full of life; full of virility. Her face brimming with hope, her eyes flashing out rays of excitement. She was the perfect personification of pure joy and everything’s that good in this world. She had dreams, not the kind where you want to ride away on a white horse with…

Days And Nights

Ever get home in a hurry but have no idea what to do when you get there ?? ..well I do. Every morning a sigh escapes along with the buzzing of the alarm. I wake up and lie there thinking, why don’t I have any thought(s) that motivates me, that stimulates my brain. Why do…